Master Chess

Master Chess is a chess game that you can play online or offline with different modes and opponents. It is developed by Codethislab and they made it in HTML5 so it’s also available on your mobile phone and tablet. You can play against a computer, a friend on the same device, or a random player online. You can also learn the basics of chess and improve your skills by watching the moves of the pieces highlighted on the board. Master Chess is a fun and challenging game for chess lovers of all levels. If you want to try it out, you can play it on CrazyGames or Poki. You can also find millions of master chess games from top players on

Master Chess Unblocked

To play Master Chess unblocked, you can visit one of the following websites that offer the game for free and without any downloads or installations:

  • CrazyGames: This website has a variety of casual games, including Master Chess. You can play against a computer, a friend on the same device, or a random player online. You can also learn the basics of chess and improve your skills by watching the moves of the pieces highlighted on the board.
  • CBC Kids: This website has games for kids of all ages, including Master Chess. You can play chess against the computer or another player in three difficulty levels. The score at the bottom tells you how many points you have against your opponent for the level you picked (easy, medium or hard). You can see your opponent’s score at the top of the screen. The moves timer keeps track of how long it takes to play your moves and to get to checkmate.
  • Poki: This website has a collection of popular games, including Master Chess. This game is developed by Codethislab and they made it in HTML5 so it’s also available on your mobile phone and tablet. You can play against a computer, a friend on the same device, or a random player online.

I hope this helps you find a way to play Master Chess unblocked. Have fun and good luck! 😊

Master Chess Tactics

Chess tactics are the moves that exploit the weaknesses or mistakes of the opponent and create an advantage for the player who uses them. They are based on certain patterns or themes that can be recognized and applied in different situations. Some of the most common chess tactics are:

  • Annihilation of Defense: This tactic involves removing or distracting a piece that is defending an important square, piece, or mate threat. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Qxh7+ to annihilate the defense of the g6 pawn, which is protecting the f7 square. After Kxh7, White can play Ng5+, which is a double check and a mate threat on f7. Black has no defense and has to give up his queen or get checkmated.


  • Blockade: This tactic involves stopping an enemy pawn or piece from advancing or reaching a desired square. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Nd6 to blockade the black c-pawn, which is threatening to promote. White also creates a threat of Nxf7, winning the rook. Black has no good way to deal with both threats and loses material.


  • Double Attack: This tactic involves attacking two enemy pieces or squares at the same time with one move. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Bc4+, which is a double attack on the black king and the rook on a8. Black has to move his king and lose the rook.


  • Demolition of Pawns: This tactic involves sacrificing a piece or a pawn to destroy the enemy pawn structure around their king, exposing it to attacks. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Rxf6, which is a demolition of pawns. After gxf6, White can play Qg4+, followed by Qh5+, and Qh7#, delivering a checkmate.


  • Discovered Attack: This tactic involves moving a piece that was blocking the attack of another piece, creating a double threat. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Nc6+, which is a discovered attack on the black king and the queen. Black has to move his king and lose his queen.

! Discovered Attack

  • Decoying: This tactic involves luring an enemy piece to a square where it becomes vulnerable or creates a weakness. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Qh8+, which is a decoying move. Black has to capture the queen with his rook, but then White can play Rd8#, using the black rook as a decoy to block the escape of the black king.

! Decoying

  • Deflection: This tactic involves diverting an enemy piece from its defensive or offensive role. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Qe8+, which is a deflection move. Black has to capture the queen with his rook, but then White can play Rxc8+, winning the black queen.

! Deflection

  • Zwischenzug (Intermediate Move): This tactic involves making an unexpected move in between an obvious sequence of moves, changing the outcome of the situation. For example, in the diagram below, White can play Qxd5+, which is a zwischenzug. Black cannot capture the queen with his pawn because of Rxe8#, so he has to move his king. Then White can play Rxe5+, winning a pawn and keeping an advantage.

! Zwischenzug

These are some of the basic chess tactics that you can use to improve your game and win more often. You can practice them by solving puzzles online or offline. You can also find millions of master chess games from top players on [], where you can learn from their moves and tactics.